Thursday, August 28, 2014

Why Women Cry

A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him. I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will."
Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?" All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.
The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry. Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?"
God said: "When I made the woman she had to be special.
I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort.
I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.
I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.
I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly.

 Gregg Braden
I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.
I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.
And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed."
"You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."

Monday, August 25, 2014

Life Is Really Simple When You Think About It
At birth we boarded the train and met our parents, and we believe they will always travel on our side. However, at some station our parents will step down from the train, leaving us on this journey alone.
As time goes by, other people will board the train; and they will be  significant i.e. our siblings, friends, children, and even the love  of our life. Many will step down and leave a permanent vacuum. Others will go so unnoticed that we don't realize they vacated their seats. This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos, goodbyes, and farewells. Success consists of having a good relationship with all passengers, requiring that we give the best of ourselves.
The mystery to everyone is: We do not know at which station we ourselves will step down. So, we must live in the best way, love, forgive, and offer the best of who we are. It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to step down and leave our seat empty we should leave behind beautiful memories for those who will continue to travel on the train of life.
I wish you a joyful journey on the train of life. Reap success and give lots of love. More importantly, thank God for the journey.
Lastly, I thank you for being one of the passengers on my train.

Friday, August 22, 2014

An Appointment


It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80′s arrived at the hospital to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am. The nurse took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would be able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound. While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. I inquired as to her health. He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer’s Disease. As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now. I was surprised, and asked him, ‘And you still go every morning, even though she doesn’t know who you are?’ He smiled as he patted my hand and said, ‘She doesn’t know me, but I still know who she is.’

Good Counsel

Ivan Shackleton – (Laboured in Japan & Russia) – Passed on 3rd May 2010 – South Australia convention 1985....
These last four days we have had lots of good counsel to help us in the coming days and one just wonders what else we can add to help one another to know victory in the coming year. I just thought I would like to tell you some of the experiences that I had that led up to my listening to the gospel and it might be of some help to some. My father, from a very
young age, was a very zealous member of the Plymouth Brethren church and we used to go to church as children nine times per week, every day and three times on Sunday. It wasn’t always at night time. Sometimes it was in the afternoon after school and my father was very strict about what we did on Sundays. On Sundays we were never allowed to whistle or clean our shoes or do anything of that nature. We, as children, would say the best way to get through Sunday was to go to bed and stay there. We really felt that way.
I would like to tell you some of the differences I have found between the Brethren church, and perhaps others, and this way of God. Some of the big differences I have noticed was, as we heard this morning, about judging by the eye. That is one thing that we find in the Brethren church. They look at each other with a very critical eye. That would be a sad thing if that ever got in amongst the children of God, if we were to look at each other with a critical eye. We should be looking at each other with a merciful eye. Sometimes we look at brothers and sisters and they are not as moderate or modest as we feel they should be. There could be a tendency to say, “I am glad I am not like them.” Instead of that, it should drive us to God in prayer and pray God would be merciful to them as he has been unto us.
The way God works is from the inside, not from the outside. When I was quite young I learned to play the violin. One day, playing in front of the teacher, it must have been a terrible noise. He stopped me and said, “If you were to just think about what the composer was thinking of when he wrote the music, and that music was conceived in your heart, it would come out naturally through your fingers. You wouldn't have to practice as hard as what you have to if it is there in your heart.” That is the way God begins in our heart. Little by little it becomes a big thing in our lives. Then it comes out on the outward side of our lives. So I would like to have a merciful love.
Another thing I found. They always thought they were worthy. I always imagine the Brethren people rushing up to heaven and saying, “Here I am. I know you have been waiting for me.” A child of God always feels unworthy. After having done all, we are yet unworthy. We are still unprofitable as stewards.
Another thing, their sacrifice sometimes amazes me. How much some of the churches, and even the people, sacrifice. But I have noticed this, they only sacrifice things that they want to, and that is the big difference between others and the children of God, because the time will come when God will ask you to sacrifice something that you don't want to. I always think of Abraham when I think of these things. Abraham, wherever he went, the first thing he did was build an altar and he made a sacrifice to God. Abraham was a wonderful man. He wanted to do that, to sacrifice to his God. But then the time came when God touched something in his life that he didn't want to sacrifice. That was his only son. God had promised him that his children would become as the sands of the sea. Here he just had this one son and God was asking him to sacrifice this one son. It doesn't tell us what went through his mind. But he made up his mind to do it. It was when he went to sacrifice what he didn’t want to sacrifice that the Lord stayed his hand. He said, “Now I know you love me more than your son.” We never want to be afraid of something that costs us something, because that is what proves we are different to everyone else and the time will come in every one of our lives. God will touch something that we don't want to sacrifice. I used to often wonder about the church my father went to. They used to say, “All you have to do is believe on the blood of Jesus and you will be saved. Once you are saved always saved.” Yet even though they said that, if I was to clean my shoes on Sunday, I was a sinner and called a backslider. Well, that just didn't seem to go together somehow.
There is one thing different about my father and other members of his church. When we were very, very small we used to hear him talk. He would read his Bible every night and talk to my mother and say to mother, “Why isn't the Way that we read about in the Bible, still in the world today?” My mother would say, “Well that is two thousand years ago. I expect we can't expect to see that today.” This went on year after year. Father kept coming back to the same thing. “Why is it that the Way is not in the world today?”
The time came my father was shifted to another district. There was no Brethren church. He went to a church in a home. The preacher was trying to model his church after what we read in the Bible. He built a church in the home, not like we know it. He had a great big chapel with pews, an organ, an altar and even an annex where a shorthand typist was taking notes of every service there was. But it was while father was going there that two Workers came into the district. Visiting round one Worker went into a chemist shop. The chemist was a member of this church. The Worker asked this man to come to the gospel meeting. He said, “I don't have the time. I go to my own church every night.” He said to the Worker, “You come to our church.” He said, “Maybe we will sometime.” I can well remember the time when those two Workers came into the church. They sat in the back seat. The preacher that had that Church knew that they were Workers and he asked them to come up and speak. They went and they spoke. Everybody was very happy with what they heard and invited them to come back next Saturday. They came back but this night the older brother Worker started to separate light from darkness for the people. We could see the anger rising in the face of that preacher. As soon as the meeting was over, he ordered them out of the church. “Never darken my door again.” He sent a letter accusing these men of being false prophets. He put a half page advertisement in the paper warning people of the false prophets that had come into the town.
My father, something must have touched him. The next Wednesday night, my father went to the gospel meeting. With him he had a whole list of questions he wanted to ask the Workers, something he asked every preacher that came into the town. Father sat in the gospel meeting. By the time it was over, every question had been answered. It was something like a miracle to him. After the meeting was over he stayed back and talked. He walked home with the Workers to where they were staying, 12 km away, and talked until the small hours of the morning. Before he returned home that night he had made his choice to serve God.
I can still remember, I was nine years of age, father coming down to breakfast that morning, still excited, saying to mother, “I found the Way.” We did not realise then what it was going to do to our home. But a big change came into our home. Father said, “We won't be going to Sunday school or church any more.” We were quite happy going to meetings three times a week instead of nine. We saw the benefit of my father changing, but he had lots of books. The house was full of religious books. I saw him take the books outside and burn them - every book that he had. Above the dining room table where we used to always eat was a verse in a frame written on green velvet with gold letters: “Christ is the Head of this house, the Unseen Guest at every meal. The silent Listener to every conversation,” and a few other words. Father took it down from the wall also. He took it outside and burned it. But what we were to see after that was that Christ was the Unseen Guest in our home.
As I grew up I just disliked church. I hated the church and I hated preachers. I had seen so much of it. I disliked it all. Even at a young age I made up my mind the first opportunity I got as I grew older that I would leave home. My father and my mother took us to meetings. I am glad of that now. Impressions were made. But the biggest impression was the change in our home. That was something I hope I never forget. There was nothing wrong before, but somehow a different Spirit. The Spirit of God came into our home when I was 17. I told my father and mother I was leaving home and they didn’t object. They didn't say anything. I guess they could see it was no use. But before I left, my mother said to me, “I just want to tell you, while you have been in our home you have been our responsibility. If you leave, everything you do from now on is your responsibility. One day you will have to answer to God for everything you have done.” They were words that checked me many, many times after I left.
I went into the city and boarded. My life-long ambition was to be a policeman in the NSW police force. I went into the training college. I was disappointed at first, because what I found was I had to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning for three hours training - physical exercises - before we got a cup of tea or anything to eat. I had to clean my shoes and have my trousers pressed. I felt I had jumped out of the frying pan into the fire. The police order was more severe than what my father was.
I continued working in the city and I used to always think certain people of the upper classes really enjoyed life. As a policeman I was able to move in amongst those people. You know, the thought kept coming to me every time in their company, “These people haven't got what my father and mother had at home. Their lives are dead and empty.” Then, in the course of duty I came in touch with the dregs of humanity, people who had let themselves drift down in life. They just did nothing, no life no future. Somehow it made me begin to think seriously about life.
One day one of the things that really spoke to me was: a criminal had got away and a lot of policemen were looking for this man. As a result a policeman friend of mine was shot. He died and we went to his funeral. That night I went on duty in Sydney at the Police station. The officer in charge always called out what duties for the shift, and we were never called by name but by number. He called each officer’s number and we would answer present and he would read out the duties for the day. While he was doing this the officer came to the number of the man that had been killed and we had been to his funeral that day. He called the number. There was no answer. He took the pencil and crossed out that man’s number. Then he looked at us and said, “I wonder whose number I will be crossing out next?” That evening, as I walked around the streets of Sydney, it really spoke to my heart. I knew if my number was up next I was afraid to stand before God. I was not afraid to die so much. But I was afraid to stand before Him and give an answer for all I had done.
As I walked round the city that night I made up my mind if ever I had the opportunity to go to those gospel meetings again, I would go. Of course as time went by, I forgot these things. One day they were asking for a volunteer to go out west to a town. It was considered a hard town. No one volunteered. I was told to go to be certified as a police cyclist before I went. I had never ridden a cycle before. Next thing I had an order again, I was to go to the police headquarters for special tuition to ride a motorbike and then to proceed to this country town.
Before I went, I went home and told my parents I was going a long way away and would not see them for some time. Mother asked where I was going to stay. I said, “I suppose in the pub.” She said, “You come back before you go. Maybe I can give you an address where to stay.” Mother gave me an address and I passed it on to the police. They looked into it to see if it was all right for me to stay there. When I arrived at this town, I found it was the home of a young couple who had not been married very long. They were friends. When I went into the home, the thing that spoke to me the most was the purity in that young couple. I was looking at the dregs of humanity every day. It was a contrast for me to see their pure faces.
When I opened the box to take out my clothing I found two hymn books there. Apparently mother put one in and father, not knowing, also put one in. I guess they didn't want to risk a Bible. A hymn book might be all right. That really spoke to me because it was a silent prayer from my parents. I wasn't in that town very long before the Workers came from conventions and I was invited to gospel meetings. That is where I professed. One of those Workers was Eddie D., who is here today. As a policeman I tried to do my duty but this time with a different kind of spirit and attitude.
It wasn't very long after I decided I went to the Special Meeting and the Worker at the Special Meeting was speaking about being a help to other people. When I went back to the barracks where I lived, I used to pray every morning and evening to be a help, especially to the Workers. What I had in mind was: well, I had money, a car, and time, I could use all this to help the workers. I prayed the Lord would help me and show me how to use this. While praying like this one day, the thought came to my mind: “Why don't you go into the Work?” Immediately I put it out of my mind, because I hated preachers. That was the last thing I wanted to be. Anyway, a little while later the thought comes into my mind again and it became more frequent. I couldn't put it out of my mind. It was while I was like this I went to convention. The convention I went to was perhaps 600 miles away. I couldn't go to any other because of my duties. I felt very strange at that convention. I didn't know anyone. It was the first convention after I decided.
I sat down at the table for dinner. A man I didn't know sat opposite me. I looked at his face. I thought, “Well, you look like a criminal to me.” He kept looking at me. So, after we had looked at each other for a while, he said, “You wouldn't happen to be a policeman, would you?” I said, “Well, yes I am.” So he extended his hand across the table. “Would you shake hands with me?” He said, “That is the first time I have ever shaken hands with a policeman.” He told me his story then. I was right: he had been a criminal. He told me about the times he had been in jail. His two daughters 11 and 13 went with their grandmother to gospel meetings and had decided. When this man came out of jail and went back home, he found his two girls had changed. It really spoke to that man. The change was because of his two children. I will always remember that man's testimony in that Convention. He got up and said: “They say parents are examples to their children, but I am ashamed to say today that my children have been an example to me.” Just before going to this convention I had taken a man to jail for the16th time. No matter what punishment was given the police couldn't change him: 16 times and still doing the same old thing. It spoke to my heart in a very real way. Here were two little girls with the love of God in their hearts and able to change their father from that wayward life. Here, two little girls with the power of God in their lives were able to do what all the police in NSW were not able to do. That spoke to me very much at that convention and helped me to make up my mind that I would give my life into the Lord's harvest field. I felt I could do more for mankind by preaching the gospel than trying to correct men by the laws of our country.
I would just hope every young person here today would be prayerful about their future. We never know what God may be calling us to do. I always like that hymn: 0 Love that will not let me go. I feel that is my testimony, that the love of God just never let me go. But the last words of that hymn says: richer, fuller be. If we pray about our future, our lives will be richer and fuller as a result of it. No matter what it is we are thinking of - settling down and choosing a partner, or about the Lord's harvest field. I is a wonderful thing if we would pray God would show us what our future should be. Let God guide us.
There were two girls came to Japan the year before last from USA. They were Roman Catholics. They wanted to study to be missionaries. They went up to a northern town in Japan, Hokkaido. One was teaching English there. Also in that same town there was an American boy, a Mormon. One of his jobs was to convert people to Mormonism. One of our young Japanese sister workers invited them to meetings. Those three people professed. They went back to USA. I have seen letters from them since then. When they came to Japan, they thought they had their future decided. They kind of thought they knew what they wanted to do. But in their letters they said, “I wonder about my future. I pray to God He will open up the way and show me what He wants me to do.” If we would just have that prayer in our hearts, God will make our lives richer and fuller than they have ever been before.
I am glad I prayed that I wanted to be a help. Even though I didn't think what kind of help, I am glad I prayed that way. I am glad God opened the way up for me. I have to say now my life has been rich and fuller as a result of allowing God to have His way with me.
Just in closing, a verse that appeals to me - words which the police use a lot. Paul said: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. When I was a policeman I used to apprehend people. You know, I would look at people, the ones I apprehended, and I used to feel very strong, the power of all my country behind me, and he was caught in the act. I could see how weak and helpless he was. It put me in the strength of power. But after I left the police force, motoring down the highway, I heard the siren behind me. I thought, “What is on today?” It was not long before the policeman was alongside my car. He said, “Pull over.” He said to me, “You have broken the law.” I felt so weak and helpless.
Just to give you an illustration of what the two positions are: the position of weakness and the position of strength. So Paul says: I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Paul felt he had been apprehended. He was in the weak position. God had taken hold of his life and was perhaps moving him along in tracks that sometimes he did not want to go. God was going to change the position. I am going to take hold of him, change the position so I am in the position of strength. If we follow after and take hold, apprehend this love of God, O love that will not let me go, the love of God will not let us go. If we take hold of it with both hands, we will find our lives will be richer and fuller in the coming days.
PS About four years after my father made his choice 20 people left the church and began to walk in the Way of God. Eight years later the preacher and his wife and some of his family professed. After the preacher made his choice, he went to Sunday a.m. meetings in my parent’s home. His granddaughter is in the work today.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Donald Karnes: The End Times

I liked history when in school, and teachers' college. Now it serves well to
have some knowledge of history. I see things in the Bible confirmed by
history.  Events now happening through out the world and the
Middle East point to the fulfillment of Scriptures.  Zechariah 14 tells of all nations gathered
against Jerusalem. That condition exists right now. It's a powder-keg just
waiting for the match to set off the explosion of the entire Middle East.

Yet we know what Paul wrote: in 2 Timothy 3. He mentions 8 verses to
describe marks that will be seen during the perilous times. I am led to
believe that the Beast that had the deadly wound which was later healed is
Muslin fundamentalism as they fit into the Bible picture. They were very
strong back in the 10th and 11th centuries. They nearly conquered all Europe
at that time. They came across North Africa, killing off the entire Roman
civilization. If people didn't become Mohammedans they'd cut their throats.

A 'pincher movement'.

One army went up through Spain and the other army crossed Turkey killing off
all the Christians.  Remember the 7 churches of Asia Minor were in what is
now called Turkey. They continued in Bulgaria and were beaten back at the
walls of Vienna. All Europe stirred and arose as one man to save their lives
and their Christian faith. It was a life and death struggle. No quarters
were asked and no prisoners were taken! The Europeans fought these
"invaders" to a stand still!

These Mohammedans fought on to the very end. They were badly beaten. They
received a stunning defeat! They were routed, a terrible debacle. So wounded
that many thought it was a fatal wound, that they would never rise again! It
took them years to recover. They remained in a dormant condition almost 1000

Now the deadly wound is healed. They are awakened and want their former
power and prestige back.  They once ruled from Spain to India and all North
Africa. They tried to take over Black Africa, but they couldn't conquer
"malaria of the rain-forest" of Africa. Their goal now is to destroy Israel
and then the USA. The bombing of New York Trade Center is just one sentence
out of their book to regain their former greatness and from there "go on to
dominate the entire world."

We believe God is just working out His Eternal Plan and no man can stay His
Hand. He is fulfilling the Scriptures. The "healing of the deadly wound" of
the beast, that is, they'll return to their former power and prestige, and
also to the Koran, as some of the Arabic nations have deviated from the
Koran. They once ruled such a vast domain, much of the known world back
there, 500 years before Columbus.

Now chafing and frustrated by their defeat and stagnation of past centuries.
 They have lost their grip both civil and spiritual over countries where
once they ruled. Muslims are on the move everywhere to "recapture and return
to their former glory" and above all to the Koran, for they are all wanting
to die for their God.  The first thing on their agenda is the destruction of
Israel!  As that little country of 2.5 million Israelites surrounded by vast
areas and at least a 100 Arabs for every Jew. Little Israel is like a tiny
spot on the map. Every Arab nation has sworn to drive the Jews into the sea.

All points to the fulfillment.

A great time of suffering. Only those whose names are written in the Book
will be saved and their residue will not be cut off.

But when these nations are gathering to destroy Israel, the Lord's feet
shall touch down on the Mt. of Olives and He will go forth to fight for them
as in the day of battle.  Romans 11:25-26. When the fullness of the Gentiles
comes in, then all Israel will be saved. I don't understand how all this
will happen, but I believe the Bible, and all shall come to pass as it is
written. Jesus in Luke 21:36. "Watch and pray that ye might be accounted
worthy to escape all these things when it shall come to pass and to stand
before the Son of Man".  Jesus said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away but
my Word shall never pass away." His promises are surer than His natural

There are certain things that money can't buy. Money can buy a house but
cannot buy a home! Money can buy food but cannot buy an appetite! Money can
buy medicine, but not health! Money can buy religion but cannot buy
salvation!  Money can buy sermons but cannot buy the Gospel! Money can buy
the Bible but cannot buy the blessings and the promises given in the Bible!
 Money can buy knowledge but cannot buy wisdom! Money can buy talk but it
cannot buy time. People waste time, serve time, kill time! Kill time! It's
not murder, it's suicide! Yet salvation is found within the brackets of

Revelation 10 speaks of a mighty angel standing with one foot on the earth
and the other foot on the sea, proclaiming with a powerful voice that time
is no more. It doesn't mean the end of the world nor of an age. It means
time and opportunity are past. It means it's too late to repent and believe
the Gospel.

Time for repentance is no more. Like clay in the Potter's Hands, can be
modeled, fashioned and shaped, but once in the furnace it can never be
changed. That's what Revelation 22:11 means: "He that is righteous let him
be righteous still, he that is defiled, let him be defiled still." It means:
They must remain forever as they are! When we die our spirits return to God
and whatever kind of a spirit we might have then, it will be the same for
all eternity!

No wonder it says in Ecclesiastes 9:10 "Whatsoever your hand findeth to do,
do it with all your might, for there is no work, nor device nor knowledge,
nor wisdom in the grave whither thou goest." Even this verse needs to be
tempered with the verse that follows. "The race is not to the swift." (It's
an obstacle race.) "The battle is not to the strong." (Think of wee David,
killing the mighty giant). "Neither yet bread to the wise." It's revelation,
not information. It's divine direction, not human skill.  The disciples
fished all night and caught nothing! Jesus said, "Cast your net on the right
side of the ship!" And they got a great haul of fish, that even the nets
began to break. They had to signal to others to come and help, they filled
both boats till they began to sink! "Nor riches to men of understanding."
Proverbs 13:7 "There is he that maketh himself rich and had nothing! There
is he that maketh himself poor and had great riches." Many hands make light

I am writing letters; More than 64 years in the work, so don't expect much
of me! I asked Troy Craig, our elder brother, for a job. His answer: "We
want you to answer the dinner bell, write letters, and prepare for
meetings."  So, I'm getting to spend more time than usual studying the
Bible.  This is getting long, so must close.  Trust that these lines find
you well and encouraged. I will close with every Good Wish in Christ, Your
letters are appreciated!!

Donald Karnes

The Difference Between Religion And The Gospel

Religion: I obey-therefore I’m accepted. 
The Gospel: I’m accepted-therefore I obey.

Religion: Motivation is based on fear and insecurity.
The Gospel: Motivation is based on grateful joy.

Religion: I obey God in order to get things from God.
The Gospel: I obey God to get to God-to delight and resemble Him.

Religion: When circumstances in my life go wrong, I am angry at God or my self, since I believe, like Job’s friends that anyone who is good deserves a comfortable life.
The Gospel: When circumstances in my life go wrong, I struggle but I know all my punishment fell on Jesus and that while he may allow this for my training, he will exercise his Fatherly love within my trial.

Religion: When I am criticized I am furious or devastated because it is critical that I think of myself as a ‘good person’. Threats to that self-image must be destroyed at all costs.
The Gospel: When I am criticized I struggle, but it is not critical for me to think of myself as a ‘good person.’ My identity is not built on my record or my performance but on God’s love for me in Christ. I can take criticism.

Religion: My prayer life consists largely of petition and it only heats up when I am in a time of need. My main purpose in prayer is control of the environment.
The Gospel: My prayer life consists of generous stretches of praise and adoration. My main purpose is fellowship with Him.

Religion: My self-view swings between two poles. If and when I am living up to my standards, I feel confident, but then I am prone to be proud and unsympathetic to failing people. If and when I am not living up to standards, I feel insecure and inadequate. I’m not confident. I feel like a failure.
The Gospel: My self-view is not based on a view of my self as a moral achiever. In Christ I am “simul iustus et peccator”-simultaneously sinful and yet accepted in Christ. I am so bad he had to die for me and I am so loved he was glad to die for me. This leads me to deeper and deeper humility and confidence at the same time. Neither swaggering nor sniveling.

Religion: My identity and self-worth are based mainly on how hard I work. Or how moral I am, and so I must look down on those I perceive as lazy or immoral. I disdain and feel superior to ‘the other.’
The Gospel: My identity and self-worth are centered on the one who died for His enemies, who was excluded from the city for me. I am saved by sheer grace. So I can’t look down on those who believe or practice something different from me. Only by grace I am what I am. I’ve no inner need to win arguments.

Religion: Since I look to my own pedigree or performance for my spiritual acceptability, my heart manufactures idols. It may be my talents, my moral record, my personal discipline, my social status, etc. I absolutely have to have them so they serve as my main hope, meaning, happiness, security, and significance, whatever I may say I believe about God.
The Gospel: I have many good things in my life-family, work, spiritual disciplines, etc. But none of these good things are ultimate things to me. None of them are things I absolutely have to have, so there is a limit to how much anxiety, bitterness, and despondency they can inflict on me when they are threatened and lost.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

If We Don't..,

If we don't read and we don't pray,
Not much growth will come our way.
While being good is fine and great,
That alone won't open heaven's gate.
Attending meeting and having a part,
Helps us grow and softens our heart.
But without a service on the other days,
Just going to meeting won't win God's grace.
But add all of these to Godly lives, a vision clear,
Putting Him first, and keeping sincere,
That will help our case along
When we fall before His heavenly throne.

~ C.Coleman 8/19/14

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friendship Secrets

A friend's secret is a precious gift,
Once entrusted to you,
it must be kept forever.
True friendship is a fabric
That nothing can unravel.
A true friend...
Never sits in judgment.
Break a promise to a friend,
and you have lost something
irreplaceable within yourself.
Sometimes tact is needed
When telling the truth.
The safety net of friendship
Will catch you when you fall.
Despair thrives on solitude,
Your sorrows will grow smaller
As soon as you share them with a friend.

Unfolding The Rosebud

It is only a tiny rosebud,
A flower of God's design;
But I cannot unfold the petals
With these clumsy hands of mine.

The secret of unfolding flowers
Is not known to such as I.
God opens this flower so sweetly,
When in my hands they fade and die.

If I cannot unfold a rosebud, 
This flower of God's design, 
Then how can I think I have wisdom 
To unfold this life of mine? 

So, I'll trust in Him for His leading 
Each moment of every day. 
I will look to Him for His guidance 
Each step of the pilgrim way. 

The pathway that lies before me,
Only my heavenly Father knows.
I'll trust Him to unfold the moments,
Just as He unfolds the rose.

~ Bryan T. Burgess ~

The Four Gospels

Notice the date of these notes:  Almost 100 years ago.

 NOTES - SIDNEY, MANITOBA, November 6, 1914
Harry Oliver:

II Kings 7, This famine was a terrible thing.  It came through the rebellion of the people.  It shows the unbelief this man had when he came to Elisha.  Elisha was able to give them the assurance of what God could do for them, but it came in a very different way from what they expected.  It came through the leprous men.  The only hope for them was to get up and face the enemy.  They were willing to get up and do the thing that seemed impossible to their own eyes.  The other man was looking on the impossibility of things, and the judgment of God was poured on that man.  It was in the twilight they did it.  Unwillingness to go up and obey may be hindering God from feeding us.  They were willing to take the step in the dark.  Some people only obey God when they see clearly.  When Abraham was called, he went out not knowing whither he went.  A famine in the natural is very serious but far more serious in the spiritual when there is so much and we are not in the condition where He can feed us because of our stiffness.
Jack Carroll:

Paul was afraid lest he would become of no use, lest he should labour in vain.  That is a wholesome fear.  He was about twenty-five years or more preaching the gospel when he wrote these words.  He kept his body under lest he should make shipwreck of his life.  It is possible for the best man or woman to make shipwreck of their lives.  If we are the opposite to Matthew 5, we become savourless salt.  These marks are the light of the world and the opposite brings darkness.  Every little group of saints are responsible for letting the light shine.  Pray for your neighbours.  Pray for grace to walk so that when you speak it may be effective.  Some saints think it is only the workers’ work to try and get men saved.  Forget yourself in your desire to help others.  The Philippian saints let their light shine and their fellowship in the gospel was appreciated by God’s servants.  The Corinthians were useless.  The quickest way to lose your savour is by hiding your light.  What do you live for?  If you don’t live for that, you won’t have much by and by.  There is the human side of our testimony.  It is possible to be neighborly and kindly and yet be in the testimony.   You will find more true and lasting joy in seeking to get others into the kingdom than by making money.  Men cannot understand the scriptures because they see no correspondence between what they read and what they see today.  The only way we can understand the scriptures is by bringing it up to date.  We can find Peter, James and John and Judas today.   I am acquainted with Pilate and I know Pilate’s wife.  I know Felix and Festus.  There are a whole lot of other people I am acquainted with.  Every character in the book is living, if only we had eyes to see.  Men and women who lived 1900 years ago live in our midst.  Do you know John Mark, the run-away preacher?  Do you know Timothy?  “Ye do err,” said Jesus, “not knowing the scriptures.”  Try to get acquainted with these men and see where you come in.  What part are you playing, the part of Priscilla and Aquila, or Rufus or the mother of Rufus?  We don’t read books and tracts about the Bible. We study the Bible ourselves.  We ought to be able to give to our neighbours an intelligent interpretation of the Bible.  We want the saints to know as much as possible.  If only they will put it into practice.  In what part of the New Testament do you find the Apostles’ Creed?  I believe the saints would be the better off seeking to know more about the Bible.  How many books are there in the Bible?  This is God’s library.  How many men did God use to write the second half of the Bible?  Answer – eight – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul, James and Jude.  These were all servants.  What is the difference between a saint and a servant?  This thing of forsaking all is a very real thing and there is a very real difference between a saint and a servant.  Paul said, “I die daily.”  Servants die too, and deny themselves the things that are legitimate for the saints to have that they may be God’s free men, that they may be in a position to go anywhere, anytime for the Lord.  We are here because some were willing to be servants, were willing to say “No” to things that are lawful and right. 
The children of God were called by different names:  disciples, brethren, friends, Christians, and then saints.  The word 'saint' and 'sanctify' are taken from the same root.  It means separated— called to be separated unto God to be His own peculiar treasure in whom He can work to will and do of His good pleasure. 
The more you know of the Bible the more interesting it becomes.  How many books of the New Testament did John write?  How many did Peter write? 
The gospels were written by four different men, each giving us a record of the life of Jesus from a different standpoint.  The gospel of Matthew was written by a publican.   A publican was a man who sacrificed his family.  No father or mother ever wanted their son to become a publican.  They turned him out and the synagogue turned him out.  Matthew sacrificed all that but it didn’t bring him much satisfaction.  If Jesus whipped anybody, it was the scribes and Pharisees.  One of the leading thoughts in the gospel of Matthew is the kingdom.  It is about a King, Jesus the Son of David, a King.  It makes clear that if I am to have any part or lot in the kingdom, I must be subject to the King, must crown Him King of kings and Lord of lords.  The lion is the symbol.  Jesus is spoken of as the lion of the tribe of Judah.
The second gospel, the gospel of Mark, gives us a picture of Jesus as God’s perfect man.  Who was the man that showed John Mark the way to be saved?  Where do you find that Peter was his spiritual father?  Who was his mother?  And what sort of a woman was she?  What use did she make of her home?  The church was in her home at a time when it was very dangerous.  She was risking her life and never knew the time when she would be arrested.  Who did John Mark go to preach with?  We are told that Elisha poured water on the hands of Elijah, 11 Kings 3:11.  John Mark sought to be as useful as he could as a young worker.  The only way an old worker can rule is by serving.  John Mark got homesick and went back to his mother when the road got rough.  I suppose his mother would have been delighted to see him, but I don’t think she would be very glad to see him under these circumstances.  I am a little bit suspicious that Rhoda might have been partly the cause.
When Paul and Barnabas disputed about taking John Mark, they were not going to go over new ground.  They were going to visit the churches and establish the saints.  John Mark would not be in a position to encourage the saints to go on and on after having run home himself when the road got rough.  But he afterwards proved himself to be a man.  We have it from the lips of Paul himself.  One of the reasons Barnabas was weak in the matter was because of the relationship between him and John Mark.  Paul would not sacrifice the truth and testimony for any man.  Did Paul and Barnabas ever make it up again?  It is not hard to get over it.  A few hard knocks and the distance between them would soon heal everything.
The ox is the symbol of John Mark’s gospel.  It makes clear that the only service God accepts is the sacrificial service, the service that costs something.  Service that costs nothing is worth nothing.
Luke gives Jesus as a man amongst men.  It gives a little of his boyhood and manhood.  From 12 to 30, He was a saint. From 30 to 33 gives us a record of Jesus living among the people, eating at their table.  He gives us the incidents in order.
John’s gospel is the gospel of the Son of God.  It takes you back to eternity.  Some people think of Jesus as if He were only in existence after He was born.  John’s gospel deals with the inner life.  God’s purpose from the beginning was to conform us to the Son of God.  Whenever God begins to deal with a human life, He has but one purpose and that is to make him after the pattern of His Son.
Knowing the mind and will of God, it is up to us to yield ourselves to Him day by day that this might be fulfilled.  The elder brother was as big a sinner in the sight of God as the prodigal was in the sight of men.  Nicodemus was as big a sinner in the sight of God as the woman at the well was a sinner in the sight of men.  The good sinner and the bad sinner, the sinner with a religion and the sinner with no religion all need the same help.  It is no advantage to be a prodigal.  I was talking to a man and he said, “Don’t you think a person makes a better preacher after having been a prodigal?”  Better a thousand times never to have sown your wild oats!  Happy are the boys and girls that may never know what some of us know through contact with the world.  Timothy was none the worse for having been saved from this.  The rising generation ought to be more effective.
The convention at Michigan was remarkable for two things.  First, the old men and women that were there.  I like to talk to old people and give them a chance in their latter days.  To help old people, you need more patience.  Second, for the number of young people that were there, boys and girls.   You could see God had been working.  It was a delight to see the old and young rising and saying they wanted to live for God.   It is the regret of my life that I was not saved until I was 19.  Parents are responsible for their children.  Timothy was saved when He was a boy.  Encourage the children.  Don’t force them but give them a chance.  Samuel heard the voice at 12 and never turned back.  The little maid in Naaman’s house fought the battle when everything was against her.  Daniel was only a boy when he purposed he would die rather than drag down the testimony of God.  The grace that enabled those boys and girls to get the victory is the same today.  The prodigal tasted the bitterness of it but I don’t think he was any the better of it.  His father said, “Bring hither the best robe and put it on him.”  Don’t you think the prodigal was very careful of that robe?  Isn’t it true we are always careful when we put on a new coat?  I often wonder if I am as careful today in keeping the best robe unspotted as I was when first it became mine.  You remember at first how careful you were.  You would sacrifice anything rather than spot it.   Are we as particular today in keeping our new shoes clean as we were in the beginning?  He was not ashamed of the ring.  He would let everybody see it.  That is giving your testimony, letting everybody know.  Do you think the prodigal enjoyed himself in the father’s house?  Do you enjoy the provision He has made for you?  Do you enjoy the fatted calf?  What would you think if he went back to feeding the hogs?  Wouldn’t he be an awful fool?  When people ask why you are not what you once were, I think of my mud pie days.  The things I once enjoyed now I hate.
Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.  No man or woman could be happy in heaven that has not been prepared for it.  One of the reasons I think I would enjoy heaven is because I enjoy the fellowship of the saints and servants of God.  I find the greatest pleasure in those that want to walk and serve God in Jesus’ way and I feel at home in my Father’s house.  If you begin to enjoy here what they are doing up there forever, then you may have some assurance that your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Don't Drop The Baton

JOHN STERLING: Just before I left the [San Francisco] Bay Area to go into the ministry in Oregon, I was with my aunt and we were going to go see Auntie May Carroll, who was in an apartment and was old and sick and being taken care of. We went over to see her, not knowing that she died in route. When we got there, my two nieces that were taking care of her told us Auntie May was dead. The coroners were slow in getting there, so my niece said, "Let's open her Bible. Maybe she can't talk to us, but maybe she can speak to us from her Bible." Maybe by something she had marked or underlined. One of them started going through her Bible, and out fell a newspaper clipping. It was yellow with age. The headline was, "Don't Drop the Baton." It told about the 1948 Olympics and a relay race that was being run. As always, the Americans were favored, but for some reason the Italian team had strong runners that year, and when the first runner took off, he gave the Italians the lead. And the second runner held the lead. The third runner increased the lead with each stride. Then he handed off to the anchor runner, and he dropped the baton and the race was lost.
The baton is that 17" cylinder they hand to each other. Spiritually speaking, the baton is faith. "The righteousness of God is from faith to faith." Faith is handed to another. When Jesus came into the world, He brought into the world the baton of faith and committed it to faithful men who passed it onto others. We don't know what happened in history since that time, but we found in our experience and in our day that the baton of faith is still in the world, and I believe God is, and will help under any circumstance. Our responsibility now is not only to hang onto it carefully and firmly, but it is our privilege to be able to pass it on to other people, to commit it unto faithful men and women.

Some of you who are young in school and haven't served God very long, and you don't know God very well, and you feel like you are weak and barely toddling along in faith, remember there is no one else even taking a step in it. Under no circumstance, even though you are young, don't drop the baton. Those of you out there, probably the majority, who are in your middle years, trying to keep body and soul together, and your family, and you have many cares, and you have business and lots of work to do and many distractions, and you're probably tired more than you aren't tired, don't drop the baton. What about your children? Then there are those of you who are old, and you're running out of time, and it's just an effort to put one foot in front of the other and it takes a lot of energy to even read the Bible, let alone come to a meeting, and sometimes you can't, and the finish line isn't very far away, don't drop the baton.
Uncle Willie told me one time, "Johnny, I'm 91 years old, and when I walk down the street of a big city, the devil is still telling me to turn into this place or that place, and ruin my life and testimony." He was old and he was tired, and we are thankful that he didn't drop the baton. When a faithful person finishes this life, particularly the old, it is such a wonderful encouragement to us that are younger, and to those that are younger than us, to see that it can be done.

If we hold fast the profession of our faith, it will help us believe to the saving of the soul. Call to remembrance the former days when you suffered, and God delivered you. God will not keep you from being destroyed by one enemy to have you destroyed by another enemy. Don't cast away your confidence, no matter what anybody says, no matter what anybody does, no matter what the world comes to, don't cast away your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. And we would say to you all, above everything else, above everything else, “Don't drop the baton.”

" It's not Length of Life but Depth of Life."