Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Spiritual Gems

Showing the right Spirit when we are wrong is honesty. Showing the right Spirit when others are wrong is mercy. Showing the right Spirit when we are right is  is humility. Showing the right Spirit when others are right is love.

Let patience have her perfect work.

A reasonable service is a living sacrifice.

Outside the will of God there's nothing I want. Inside the will of God there is nothing I fear.

If we give into lust it will bring death.

We don't want Jesus as an idol, but as a leader.

We need to read that we that we might find instructions and council for ourselves.

True obedience begins in our heart.

There is nothing that we can do to make us worthy of eternal life- it is truly a gift of God.

We must stay near God to get the message he has for us.

It is not in our surroundings but our surrenderings that count.

The rose does not take on the fragrance of what is around it.

We cannot lower God's standard, but we can live below it.

Some people like the word of God, the way of  God, but not the will of God. His will is for our good.

Grace, Mercy and Peace - Grace, unlimited power of God for his people. Mercy, we want mercy & should show mercy. Peace, Knowing God is with us and for us.

A shared joy is a double joy. A shared grief is only half a grief. Rejoice without envy.

If we get something from God's word to feed ourselves it will feed another.

Young people can make choices that spoil their future, Older people can make choices that blight their past. So, "Lord Jesus teach me how to choose" !

Don't let people pull you into their storm. Pull them into your Peace.

Where there is a struggle, there is life.

Don't worry about things we cannot do, but concentrate on what we can and do it well.

We can all be helpers, A child can do some things that are hard for an adult to do.

The devil is real and he is persistant, but God is greater. He will protect us in as much as we are willing.

If we are not willing to pay the price, the sacrifice will not be acceptable.

Draw near and be alone with God.

We need to read that we might find instruction and council for ourselves.

If we are willing to share in his sufferings now we can one day share in His Joy forever.

God can open a way when we see no way.

Need to prepare- Get our roots down deep.  If they are deep, we won't be uprooted in the storms of life.

It will be the value that we place on Truth that will help us during trying times.

In God there is safety. There are a lot of places not safe for us to take refuge.

Judgement isn’t for the destruction of our soul but for the benefit of our soul.

It’s not what we know but it’s what we love to follow in the gospel.

A paradox is a statement that seems to contradict itself but may be true… ‘we glory in our infirmities, we rest under the yoke, we live by dying, we become strong by being weak’.  

Luke 17:12-19 Those 10 lepers.  We don’t just want to be close enough to Jesus to cry out. That is good…but we want to get to where we can be TOUCHED by Jesus.

We like to talk about “my things” but really nothing we have belongs to us, one day we will hand them all over…relinquish everything in death.  All belongs to God.  We are stewards.

Spiritual weariness is leaving the door unlocked, spiritual laziness is leaving the door open!

The true plumb bob will always show the most direct route from earth to heaven.

We need to take an inventory of what our feeding ground is.

We need to be so careful that we are not bowing down to the ‘gods’ of this world…the ‘god’ of friendships, money, sports, fads and fashion…anything that might make us lose out.

Do we appreciate the greatness of the help that is available to us every single day?

If we are on the Lord’s side, the struggle will lead to joy.

God wants us to aim for perfection and when we can’t reach that perfection He has provision for filling that ‘crack’ that we’re not able to fill.

Saying “yes” to God will help us to say “no” to the world.

There’s no need to look for the path that leads to destruction because our human nature will lead us right down the center of it!  Our human nature just doesn’t want to turn to the path of life.  It’s time to turn…are we willing?

God’s will is good anchor-ground for the anchor!  If we don’t use the anchor we will be drifting.  We can’t just depend on the fact that we’re in the boat with good people!

DENYING SELF!  Taking up of the cross was the public part of it…but the denying of self is still necessary.  We don’t just want to put on a show!  Christ took our place.

How do I know if I have faith?  Faith shall cry a joyous YES!

Noah accepted the blueprint as it was…he didn’t make changes.  It was simple, nothing elaborate.  The miracle was on the inside of the ark.  A picture of salvation. The ark was full of provision, hope and help.  God gave all the instructions, just as He has given us Jesus!

When there is true repentance there will be true forgiveness which leads to true peace. 

Jesus didn’t just lay down His life for His friends, but He also laid down His life for His enemies.

If we love God, we will love our brethren and those around us. 

It’s more Godly to be fruitful than useful.  You don’t see trees running around being fruitful. They stay right where they are bearing fruit!  We want to bear the fruit of submission.

Do we have a lot of activity but not a lot of stability??  Far better to see fruitfulness.

Paul wasn’t born content…he had to learn to be content.  Learn to tap into the source.
If you want to encourage the workers just be in meeting!

In the end the FAULT will NOT be God’s!!!

Temptation is not sin.  Jesus was tempted but sinned not!

Things need to get into our heart…not just our mind.

Tighten-up the urgency screws!!!

We can have a cupboard full of daily bread and starve to death if we don’t eat it!!!

We can have a good map and yet not know where we’re at and be completely lost!

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