Wednesday, October 22, 2014

You Are A Vital Part Of The Body Of Christ

Howard Mooney: And then he spoke of the other feeling that is prevalent among God's people - "I am no good in the Church". That is like the ear saying, because I cannot be the eye, I am no good in the body; like the foot saying, because I am not the hand or in other words, because I am not doing what the other person is doing, I am no good in the body. And he went to say, every member in the body is vital. If you do not remember anything else that we are trying to tell you from our meeting this afternoon, take this thought home with you. REGARDLESS OF WHO YOU ARE, OR HOW OLD YOU ARE, OR HOW HANDICAPPED YOU ARE, YOU ARE A VITAL PART OF THE BODY. There is no thing as a non-vital organ in the body of Christ, for God has put everyone of them in the body as it has pleased Him.

I Tim 4:12 This reference is to the youth. If there is anyone who might have a tendency to feel unnecessary in the body of Christ, it is the young people. And the reason why I know this, is because I remember my feelings when I was a teenager. I just felt sometimes so unnecessary. And I did not have a car at that time, so I wasn't able to go out and bring people to the meeting like the older folks could. I could not pray like the older folks, I felt so unnecessary. And having passed through the mill myself, I can understand the feelings of you young people. I wish you young people could know how much we do appreciate you. I wish you could understand how vital you are in this fellowship. I wonder if you realize how many times the workers who have been given a room to stay in your home - I wonder if you know how many times those workers have gone into that room and got down on their knees and thanked God for you.

We have been having some services on a University campus. We had a number of our professing young people there and they were real examples of the believers. And you know, there has been over one dozen of their fellow classmates that have come to the Gospel meetings and professed through the last couple of years; and one was an opera singer. She was way up in the higher circles of the opera world. She had just taken a tour of Europe; and she was so impressed with the godly example of our young folks, that she came to the meetings and professed. You naturally think, when a person like that comes to the meetings, what happens when they come to the crossroads? But it was only a short while after that young woman professed, that she came to me one day and she said, "Howard, I am giving up opera." I said, "That is good, what brought you to that conclusion?" She said. "You know, in the opera world, you do not get anywhere without stepping on somebody else". But she said, "In this fellowship, everyone is helping each other." And she said, "I would give up anything for what I have found in this fellowship. It's everything, compared with what the operatic world has to offer". These young people were a real example of the believers. They believed God could do for them more than anyone else could do, and it was showing in their lives. And as I said before, a number of their fellow students at the University have come to the meetings and professed as a result of their example. I would encourage every young person to read the 12th verse of this 4th chapter of I Timothy over frequently. If I am a believer, if I believe in the Lord - all that this verse teaches - then I am a vital part of this body. And even though I am just a young person and even though I may not pray very good and speak very well, I am still a vital organ in the body of Christ.

Howard Mooney: We were traveling - a group of us workers in a car - recently going from one convention to another and there was an old worker in the car who had been in the work over 50 years. And he was talking to us younger ones about the miracle of convention and the miracle of fellowship as a whole. He said: "I have been in the work now over 50 years and I understand perfectly how it works, but if God would take this miracle work out of this fellowship, there is not one thing I could do to make it work." He said, "There are no strings to pull, no buttons to push."

He pointed to one of the workers in the car and said "If God took over and took life out of your body, there is not one thing that man could do to make it work. You could get the latest physician in the country and he could employ the latest methods known to science, but if God takes that miracle out of your body, there is not one thing that we could do to make it work."

He said: "The same is true of the body of Christ. This thing is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes; and it is a God-given miracle in this fellowship that makes it the living calling - something that we all found it to be." And that is why I am so thankful that in the scriptures we have this illustration so frequently used of the Church, of which Christ is the Head and we are the members and each one enjoying the miracles of that life.

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