Monday, September 14, 2015

Two Days

There scarce seemed time that morning to pray
With so much that I must do,¬
So with just a pause at the throne of Grace,
A prayer I hurried through, But oh!
what a wearisome day it was,
How heavy my heart and my feet,
So lonely without the presence of God,
His fellowship so sweet.

I came to the close of that weary day,
To think of the end of it all,
How much would be mine of what I had gained,
When I would hear death's call?
For all I will claim as my own in that hour,
When eternity's dawn I see,
Is what I have learned as low at.
His feet I've heard Him speak to me.

A new day dawned a hope with it came,
The hope of beginning again,
I sought His face and He heard my cry,
My pathway He made plain,
He touched my heart and spoke afresh to me,
Of His Fatherly love and care,
Gave a vision again of things worthwhile,
That would be mine to share.

There was just so much work to be done that day,
I was glad for a chance to rest,
When the evening came and the sinking sun
Was hidden in the west.
But I had walked that day with lighter step,
From a burden of care set free,
A song in my heart of a Father's love,
A Father's care for me.

(Garrett Hughes)

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