Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Storms (exert of Tharold Sylvester - Saginaw Conv - 1960)

This [There] was a storm, and it came because of doing God's will. The same thing is true in the 16th ch. of Acts where Paul and Silas were thrown into jail at Philippi because of helping the damsel possessed with the spirit of divination. Their backs were beaten and bleeding, their feet put in the stocks, but at midnight they were singing praises to God. That was a storm, but through it all, they had a song of gratitude and praise. God saw that the jailer was a man who would listen to the gospel. He was so busy with his own responsibilities that he could not get out to meetings. There was a simple way around that and God said that if he would not come to meetings, he would take His servants to the jailer and he got saved. This was a storm because of doing God's will.
There are other storms that come because of unwillingness and rebellion. Jonah, the prodigal preacher was told to do something, and he could not face it. He ran away, but he learned to pray in the bottom of the ocean. That storm came because he was not willing to do God's will. Which way do you want to suffer? People suffer a hundred times more in rebellion than in obedience. If we could only learn this lesson, it would save us a lot of suffering. If you have things tied down in your heart and life, the captain of your salvation can ride out many a storm. A ship that is seaworthy can keep the waters out. It isn't the water outside that sinks the ship, but the waters that get inside. Every ship has a pump to pump out the waters. Sometimes even when a ship has leaked, they will set the pump going and they can keep the ship afloat for days.
Oftentimes we prove more of the power, the kindness, and the mercy of God in a storm then we do in a calm. That is why James said, "Count it all joy when ye fall into diver’s temptations". It is a different thing to fall into it, than to run into it. It is those experiences that help us to understand what God’s Call does for us. We were told at Boring that this world is an ideal place to produce the life of Christ in us. You have to turn to Him to find rest, peace, strength, and courage. The world is so barren and desolate, and it is an ideal place because if forces us into the place where we will seek God's help.

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