Monday, January 26, 2015

Some Of The Marks Of The Elect

They are sincere in a world of "put-on."

They walk with open faces; they are transparent, having nothing to hide.

They have nothing to fear and speak from the heart.

There is no guile in them.

Being pure in heart, in mind, they cannot understand deceit or suspicion or evil in others.

They are loyal and never betray a friend or take advantage of an enemy.

They may suffer in the hands of others, but never return evil for evil.

Sorrow comes to them as it does to all, but they come forth from it as pure as gold.

Suffering does not sour them, but sweetens their spirits and teaches them lessons of pity and sympathy.

They are generous and what they do is done from pure motives. What to many would be a duty would be to them an opportunity.

They would be kind if all the world were cruel, and because there is no vanity in them, they do not suffer from praise. It does not spoil them.

They are humble, but do not know it, and of course, do not speak of it.

They are meek, but not the meekness of fear, which is slavish.

They do not boast of what they are, for they know God is to be thanked for any good that is in them, and they do not feel superior to others, although they are so.

Their goodness is an unconsciousness of itself and therefore pure.

They are gentle towards all and knowing what stuff men are made of, they are compassionate. When others look for faults in friends, they seek for virtues, and when they err from justice, the lean to mercy.

Their hearts beat to the world's needs, and thus are kept soft and in tune.

They are cheerful; their presence dispels the gloom from troubled hearts as the rising sun does the morning clouds.

No matter how heavy their own hearts are, they will smile and speak words of cheer.

They have learned that misery is diminished when shared by sympathy.

They help to carry the burdens of others, but never expect or ask theirs to be carried.

They have themselves under complete control. Their good temper is not dependent upon pleasant company, but at all times, under all circumstances, they sail on an even keel.

They are calm and serious in the midst of storms and because peace rules in their hearts, fear is far from them.

They draw needy and troubled souls to them and comfort all who mourn.

Their hearts are large enough to mother an orphan world.

To know them is to be made strong.

They are brave.

In time of stress and worry they are at their best.

Outward things only serve to perfect them.

When others lose head and heart, they are bolder than at other times.

They are honorable.

They have a deep, true faith in God, and take all that comes.

When others complain they give thanks.

Whatever their lot, they make the best of it and look at all that comes to them as better than they deserve.

They are free from envy and rejoice in others' good fortune as if it were their own.

They do not strive, but let an adversary have both sides of a dispute.

In dark times they live in hope.

-George Walker-


"The way of God: It is a walkway and not a talkway.
It is a proven way, a protected way, and a humble way.
It is a lighted way, one need not stumble therein."

George Walker was an old servant of God who lived more than 100 years. To those of us who were privileged to rub shoulders with him, we knew of a humble spiritual giant in our midst.

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