Monday, April 6, 2015

Why Jesus

Mark 16:1-4. Thankful for all we heard about this yesterday. Glad that the story of Jesus didn’t end in chapter 15. God didn’t save Jesus from the cross but redeemed him from the grave. It is the power that worked in Jesus in the grave that will also work for us. Through death the spirit separates from the body. The grave is not the final resting place for Jesus’ spirit. They saw an open and empty grave. Before coming here a man came to visit me in our field. This religious man was curious about who we follow. Why Christ? Why not Buddha? Why not Mohammad, or Confucius? All of these great people are still in their graves, but Jesus rose from the dead. We’re glad we are not following a dead Christ. The women, who followed Jesus, couldn’t help him or defend him from his enemies but their presence was enough to encourage Jesus to go on. They are true mothers in Israel. They wanted to be close to their Savior. They were not ashamed to be associated with them. Jesus was not ashamed to be associated with them. They couldn’t do anything about how they treated him, but they could stand by him through all his experiences. Joseph and Nicodemus also stood by Jesus. These women have prepared the spices to anoint his body. They have only one concern – who will roll the stone from the sepulcher? This gives confirmation to our own heart – that if we do the possible God will do the impossible. God saw their desire. God made a way. They just prepared the spices. They couldn’t fight the soldiers guarding the crypt, but they can come in faith. If we supply the will, God will open the way. Just do the possible and God does the impossible. Some didn’t believe He has risen. Unbelief will keep us from doing what we can do and it limits God what He can do. Unbelief clouds our vision. v14; He himself showed to the eleven and Jesus corrected them of their unbelief. God loves us so He corrects. He has to cleanse them from the sin of unbelief and hardness of heart. They have to share the gospel story and be witnesses to Him and that’s why Jesus had to correct them. Otherwise, unbelief will hinder them. Thankful that God loves us enough to correct us. Appreciate the women coming with a desire to anoint the body of Jesus. Now, we can’t anoint the physical body but every Sunday we can anoint the spiritual body. Faithfulness is like a spice. Faithfulness inspires faithfulness in others. Faithfulness is better than abilities. Encouragement is another spice. Encouragement inspires courage in others. The sweet smell of these spices goes to God. If we leave a Sunday meeting inspired we can be assured that the Spirit had helped us to be true and faithful.

B. Hofer - S. Leyte Convention, March 29, 2015; 9:00A.M.

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