Friday, December 7, 2012


We don't ask for a lighter load, but for a stronger back.

If you tell me, I might forget, If you show me, I might remember, but if you involve me, I will remember.

Contentment is not having all we want, but realizing all we have.

It is not vain to pray. (Nathaniel)
It is not vain to submit (Naaman)
It is not vain to trust. (Abraham)
It is not vain to be patient (Noah)
It is not vain to come home (The prodigal)

We are vessels in the household of faith and the workmanship of the Master erases all memory of our original setting or original material. When memories haunt us, it is good to remember that we are no longer responsible for the original setting.

Life consist of meeting difficulties, overcoming and getting thru them.

Exercise thyself unto godliness: Exercise leads to strength to victory and victory leads to possession.

Opportunity comes to pass, not to pause.

There is no fruit in the struggle to subdue the enemy or in walking thru the land. Fruit comes as we are dwelling in the land and making it productive.

A half-hearted service can be a great sacrifice, but a whole-hearted service is a great joy and privilege.

Our personal opinions and little attitudes can easily inhibit God's Spirit.

We must make choices today. We can never again choose for yesterday.

The most humble person always wins.

We are not ready-made but need to be made ready.

The only way that we can change the past and future is by changing the now.

To dream of the natural person we want to be, is to waste the person that we are.

The battle that is the hardest to win is the one we want to loose.

Goodness is not our goal, it is the result of our goal.

God is the master of impossibilities.

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