Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Poems By Perry

Today everything is so iffy,
I can't decide which way to go,
They say I'll be there in a jiffy,
But that was two day ago.
I wonder why they can't just say;
I have more on my waiting list than you,
I guess some people are just that way;
Until they say there is money due.
I obey the law so I won't get fined,
I eat at home to at least save a little,
I pay my bills, so I don't get behind,
Life today is so iffy, kind of like a riddle.

By: Perry Oberg

I have such sorrow in my heart;
For those who believe in God but take no part;
In going to hear the Gospel story,
As told by Jesus in all his Glory.

My sorrow deepens even more,
For those who don't know what's in store;
When they don't believe in God at all;
But the day will come when they hear his call.

And on that day when Jesus returns to earth;
We need to remember upon His birth;
The reason God sent Jesus to suffer so;
Was to pay for our sins, and by doing so show

That the way was in the path that He Laid out,
The only path that we must never doubt,
By the New Testament we must always abide;
For when our time comes we won't be able to hide.

The Gates to Heaven will be open to those;
Who follow the teaching of Jesus who chose,
To lay out the pathway for those who believe,
I pray that I can stay true and thereby achieve.

Being one, when I stand before God on His Throne,
I will be able to stand without fear of hearing I do not belong.
For I know that day will be coming , I know not when,
I just pray that I will be ready both today and then.

By: Perry Oberg

I wonder if children and grandchildren knew;
The trials and tribulation the elderly go through,
Would it bother them, would they care,
The difficult times that the elderly bare.

When you are unable to mow the grass;
On painting the outside we just must pass;
Oh, why aren't we able to do what we have done before,
I guess with getting older, the abilities we had are no more.

So here we are after many years of giving;
Not able to do so many things. but we are living,
So for that we are so very blessed and give our thanks
To our God on high. for the answers of our prayers he grants.

Each day at night on our knees we pray,
And each morning give thanks for a new day;
Life is still good, in spite of our many needs,
For those who have gone before us, our heart bleeds.

We remember our friends and family that are here no more,
And think of them often, and the suffering they bore,
Don't ever give up on your self or those you love,
Just keep on believing and praying, to our Savior above.

By: Perry Oberg
God and Jesus come first in my life;
And after that comes my loving wife;
Our children also I have to say
Each day that passes for them I pray.

God is merciful, this He will show.
As He answers our prayers and let us know.
That if we ask, we shall receive,
If indeed we truly believe.

By: Perry Oberg 

Winter is gone, and I am so glad;
I got cold even with a coat I am clad;
Now spring is here, and the flowers are in bloom;
The wonderful smell, much better than perfume.

But with the coming of spring comes falling of leaves,
And the pollen is so heavy it makes most of us sneeze;
Running noses, heads that ache, this goes with spring
So now I am waiting for summer to see what it will bring.

With summer I know that the mosquitoes will swarm,
And also the fire ants will cause some alarm,
So I guess each season has it's good and bad points,
But summer is best for me, less pain in my joints.

Then as I am writing the thought comes to me,
That God created all seasons so we should be,
Glad that we are blessed to see all He has done,
And for giving us the blessing of knowing his Son.

For Jesus came to earth and laid out a path,
That Believers must follow or feel his wrath,
We need to thank God, for his mercies each day,
And thank Him for Jesus, who shows us the way.

By: Perry Oberg  

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