Friday, March 20, 2015

Three Questions

I’m sure every one of us can say with David, “A day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.” God has been more to us than we could expect Him to be. Worldly expectations invariably don’t come up to the mark. “From the best bliss that earth imparts, We turn unfilled to thee again.” He has taken us into His banqueting house and His fruit has been sweet to taste. 

It is a lovely thing to come into the shade after having a long walk in the sun. How good we can come under His shadow and taste of fruit sweet to our taste. Some of the meetings have been the most searching I have sat in. God seems to have been taking stock. While there is stock taking there is stock replenishing too. I would like to come with a soft and tender heart. There were three searching questions put to others in Bible days and they could be put to us today. It is a simple question and just requires a straight answer. 

Ruth was steadfastly minded to go all the way. Twice she was asked to go and return to her country.  She could not go back. Why couldn’t she go back? It was because her heart was won. There was never a thought in her heart to go back. She was steadfastly minded to go all the way. She didn’t know what she was going to in a strange land but she learned to love and admire that one who was in tune with God. If our heart is won, there will never be any thought of going back. “Come brothers on and forward, With us the Father goes .... Praise God we will go on.” 

Columbus felt sure of finding land even though his crew were not so hopeful. It was not smooth going and no one had gone that way before, and over and over they said, “We will go back.” But every time Columbus said, “We will go on.” In the log book each day it was written, “And so we sailed on.” I looked at the question Ruth’s mother in law put to her, “Where hast thou gleaned today? and where wroughtest thou?” Where have we been during the year? What have we wrought? Have we been gathering material for eternity? Time is one of God’s greatest assets to man and the sacrifice of time one of the hardest there is. The adversary of our souls will see we won’t have time. Pharaoh said to the children of Israel, “Ye are idle.” “We’ll give you more work to do.” The adversary would keep us so busy today. It is very easy to waste time. There are places we could be gleaning that wouldn’t be any help. Naomi said to Ruth, “Go not to glean in any other field.” 

There are places that are not good for children of God to be found. There are places a child of God could frequent, and those that know them would wonder what you are doing there. There are places in Malaya that have this notice up, “Out of bounds to the troops.” Whether Australian or natives of country, they know it is not good for them to be in those places that are out of bounds. We are soldiers of the King of Kings. There are  no notices up, but there is something that tells us that it is no place for us to be found if Jesus should call us that day. Ruth had stood by the maidens; she stood fast. It is a lovely thing to stand by those who are in God’s harvest field. There are bits of encouragement all along the way. No, we will never lose if we are gleaning in the place where God wants us to be. There is every help for those who stand fast in the place where God has put them. 

In Luke 13 Jesus said, “What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another?” Is that a searching question to you? What are our communications one to another as we walk in the way or sit in homes. Ephesians 4:29, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth.” We can’t help hearing but we can help repeating. The only way to pass on helpful communication to one another is keeping the line of communication between us and God. It is our communication with God and His dear children that helps us to pass on good communication. 

These men had been discussing that which was near to their heart. If Jesus were to draw near and ask us what our communications were, would we be afraid to tell Him, or ashamed to tell Him. Someone said if we could listen in to a record of all we have said in a day we might be very ashamed. 

A short question was asked three times. “What seek ye?” This was another searching question. The Bible tells us what to seek, how to seek and when to seek. “Seek me early and ye shall find me.” Early in the day might be the greatest sacrifice you have to make in the day, but make it and it will do you good. Without God’s presence we shouldn't dare to go. “Seek the Lord while he may be found.” “When the Lord said unto me, Seek ye my face, my heart said Thy face Lord will I seek.” The Lord does speak to us. How are ye to seek? “If you seek me diligently with thy whole heart ye shall find me.” Seek for the things of God as for hid treasure. People put a lot of strength and time in seeking for the things of the earth. 

In the gold rush men and women were willing for anything. They left homes and jobs in seeking for the earthly treasure. To find hidden treasure calls for diligence. There was a great deal of time and strength put in seeking for this wonderful treasure. We want to let Christ come in, “in whom is hid all the treasures of the god-head bodily.” We should be seeking not our own. If the love of God is in our heart we will not be seeking our own. “Let no man seek his own, but every man another’s wealth.” We are seeking one another’s benefits, not seeking our own. We are going to be in the way of God and co-operate,  seeking to be a help to promote the wealth of God’s children. 

We might only be one, but can do much with God's help. A worm and a mulberry leaf make silk. It is  very humble combination but something very fine is produced. If we all are combined and seek to be a help to one another, something very beautiful and fine will be produced. Every claim upon the life of Jesus was subordinated to God’s claim. Paul said, “I seek not my own profit, but the profit of many.” He lived for others, not seeking his own. Moses, if he had been seeking his own, could have been great. God said, “I will make of thee a great nation.” Moses was very meek and meekness is just the absence of self. It was very evident in the life of Moses, because he never sought his own. It is a lovely thing to have in our hearts that we will seek not our own but others’ welfare. 

We are told what to seek. “Seek the Lord and his righteousness.” We want to seek His face continually. After times of great blessing, usually there will come times of great testing. We could be prepared to go forth to times of great testing. We need to seek His face continually if we want to prevail. “If thy presence go not with us, carry me not up hence.” None of us are equal and we need to seek His face continually. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness…” Seek not great things for yourself. If we seek grace we’ll find a place, but if we seek a place we’ll bring disgrace. 

Joseph was asked, “What seek ye?” He gave wonderful answer, “I seek my brethren. Is it well with them? Is it well with the flocks?” Are we seeking the welfare of others? There was no question of Joseph not going to his brethren. Their spirit to him didn’t alter his spirit to them. Jesus said to His disciples, “Whom seek ye?” Jesus was asked, “Master, where dwellest Thou?” They were seeking the Lord. If we are seeking to get close to Jesus, how good it will be. 

Mary Magdalene stayed a little extra time and she was rewarded. She was asked, “Whom seek ye?” and she said, “They have taken away my Lord.” She heard the voice of Jesus to her heart, “Mary.”   Her beloved spoke. “My Beloved speaks, and lo, the riot of my heart is still. I am his and he is mine.”   The beloved bridegroom of our souls is seeking to speak to us today. The riot of our thoughts can be stilled. In the Song of Solomon there is a wonderful union between those people and Christ. He is our beloved. Song of Solomon 3:6, “Who is this that cometh out of the wilderness?” We have come out of the wilderness and are leaning on our beloved, One who can tide us over every experience. “Lean hard, my child, lean hard.”
We can go forth wholly dependent on our beloved, so He can lead us on to victory. 

U. Hedderman  - 1958 - 3 Questions  - Booyong,

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